Komárom is a cultural, tourist and commercial centre on the right bank of the Danube with a population of 20.000. The roads of Bakony, Vértes and Gerecse from south meet here. Opposite, on the left bank of the Danube, roads join along the Little-Danube, Vág, Nitra and Zsitva. M1 motorway, which links the western border (120 km far) to the capital, Budapest (90 km far), offers a good possibility for those who want to visit Komárom. In addition, the former Budapest-Vienna road, now road 1, also goes through our town. Visitors arriving from the west are welcomed by Koppánymonostor, its former name Katapán monostor, visitors from the east are welcomed by Szőny that joined to Komárom in 1977 in the place of Brigetio that founded by the Romans.